
Dabbing eliza skullgirls
Dabbing eliza skullgirls

dabbing eliza skullgirls

Say if you started with someone else first, had them die for Ritual Sacrifice, and then tagged in as Lapis both Ritual and her SA1 would proc. Additionally, it makes her SA1 even more useless than it already is. Although yes, her meter reliance can be fixed by using Ritual Sacrifice, you have to kill off one of your teammates in order to use it, so you would have to put yourself in a losing situation to actually use Lapis Luxury with Ritual Sacrifice. Another problem I have with Lapis Luxury is that Eliza's MAs actually hurt her. I also don't like how reliant her SAs are on her being low health and her opponents being high health, so perhaps if there were some sort of secondary effect of her SA1 that reduced her health on tag in once per match it would be better since it would have synergy. I would suggest making it so that it only procs whenever Lapis Luxury has lower health than the opponent.

dabbing eliza skullgirls

This means that you can't use a BB3 the entire match with Lapis Luxury unless you want to proc your ability, potentially hurting yourself. Her SA2 also has some major problems, the main one being that it procs whenever Lapis uses a BB3. It sounds strong, but remeber Lapis is already limited by her low HP requirement for her SA2 and the fact that both of her SAs are a one time use. Here is my idea to fix this, simply match by the highest percentage value or just give 100% BB percent on tag in.

dabbing eliza skullgirls

Now this is a big, BIG problem and the reason why is because by the time they have a BB3, they are most likely already low HP, which if Lapis was to tag in it would be detrimental to her to swap health values with her SA2.

Dabbing eliza skullgirls full#

Her SA1 matches by value instead of percent, so they would have to have a full BB3 in order for you to use her SA1 effectively. However, Lapis Luxury would not be so awful if her SAs were actually reliable. Many call this variant simply mediocre for her one time use ability. Now for the real crime of this trio, Lapis Luxury. Bloody valentine was once a fighter I considered using, but after facing her multiple times I just decided it wasn't worth it for a silver variant. Her meter gain could be argued to help her, but it's not significant enough to really make a difference like it does in Stand Out and Diva Intervention. She is also not redeemable on offense, since her regen is only applicable to special moves, her attack stat is poor, and she doesn't have anything to make up for the lack of DPS. Your average special move can outdamage the 10% regen from her SA. I find that a big problem with Bloody Val's regen SA is that it is simply not enough. Any Bloody Valentine I have come across, which is about 4 diamonds and countless golds, have been so ineffective I have to check her SAs everytime I fight her to actually see why they put her on a defense team. Although one could argue that Bloody Valentine can be a good defensive variant, the facts that she only regens from special moves, Eliza is incredibly easy to intercept, and she has arguably low HP, means that she is negligible on defense. Bloody Valentine has similar stats to Tomb and Gloom, but this time we will be looking at her HP, which is 58k max at diamond. This Eliza is lackluster for some of the same reasons Tomb and Gloom is. In conclusion, Tomb and Gloom needs some changes from my perspective. With only 8k max attack, and an unreliable SA, she doesn't really have any sources of DPS, which is a big problem. All of this makes Tomb and Gloom not very good, but what makes her really fall behind are her stats. Eliza also has a certain loop that also acts as a safety. She already has blood oath as a safety net, high HP, and unflinching during sehkmet mode. Her SA1 sounds good on paper, but Evasion isn't needed on an Eliza. However, it is not just her SA2 that is not good. When her moves proc along with her SA, what ends up happening is nonstackable debuffs like healblock end up overlapping, meaning she gets no use from the SA. When the changes to Eliza's kit came out, Tomb and Gloom got kind of hurt by it. She was created before the Eliza kit buffs to certain moves, such as curse applying on sehk bite and healblock on sehk turn. However, in my opinion and many others, she is not. At first glance, she seems like a fairly decent silver Eliza variant. To start off, I would like to discuss Tomb and Gloom. Anyways, I feel like a lot of Eliza variants are pretty bad considering signature abilities/stats, and I was wanting to take a look at specifically Bloody Valentine, Tomb and Gloom, and Lapis Luxury. This is Undeadbunny, an experienced Eliza player, and I was just wanting to talk about some of Eliza's variants.

Dabbing eliza skullgirls